
Alex in the afterlife

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pearl Shows Alex Some Possibilities

Alex returned back to his Ruth’s place and went into a nearby meadow to see what was there.  He thought about what Ruth had told him about “thinking” himself to where he wanted to go.  The trouble was, aside from visiting Emily he didn’t know where else to go, and besides, Pearl had said something about being careful until he knew his way around better.  He didn’t really understand what he had to watch out for so he pondered what to do next. 
Just then he saw Pearl curled up in a shady spot under a nearby tree watching him.  “Hi Alex.”  She stretched up and scratched her claws on the handy nearby tree.  “I’m going to have to get used to this business of thinking about you and then the next moment seeing you right there.  Where did you come from?”  asked Alex.  “Just now I was on a high cliff looking down at a rushing river filled with leaping fish.  It was great fun.”
“That reminds me, Pearl, I was just wondering what else there is to do around here.  You told me before that I should be careful about where I go, but I don’t even know what other places there are or things to do.  Can you show me around?  And why do I need to be careful?”
“I’d be happy to show you around Alex, and to show you some of the experiences others are choosing so that you can have some idea what you might like.  I’m one of your guides so I will be around any time you need me.  First, there are a couple of things you should know.  Soon it will be time for your Life Review process, which is a way for you to re-experience everything that happened to you in your life as Alex so that you can learn which of your thoughts and actions produced good experiences and which were not so good.  It’s hard to go through some of the experiences again, but you’ll find that it’s quite worthwhile.  Once you’ve done it you’ll have a better idea what kind of things you’d like to do here.  You’ll not only get a better understanding of your talents and abilities, but also what you could learn to do better.  But for now, I think we should go on a little adventure and see some others you might find interesting.”
“Okay, Pearl, I’d like that.  What did you mean about being careful?  Should I be afraid?”
Pearl looked thoughtful.  “You’ve learned a little bit about matching vibrations, like when you felt Emily’s sadness, right?”
“Yeah, I did.  Ruth told me I should try to feel loving and happy if I start to get gloomy from picking up the feelings of others, or even if it’s my own sadness, and that sometimes you can even cheer someone else up by vibrating happiness.”
“That’s great, Alex.  As you’ve seen, here in this world what you experience on the outside matches to a great extent what you feel on the inside.  There are many beings in our world who feel truly terrible on the inside because they get stuck in their negative thoughts and feelings and can’t or won’t find their way out.  If you should find yourself in a dark territory, be very careful about resonating with the energy of those who inhabit that place, because it takes considerable skill to come back to our light-filled territory when you become overwhelmed with feelings of fear, hatred, sadness, or any other very dark feeling.  At some point later I’ll show you some of the dark territories and how to safely pass through without getting stuck. But that’s for much later.  There’s much to do here in the land of light, and I’m going to show you some things that you’ll find very interesting.”
“Lead the way, Pearl, I’m ready.”
Alex followed Pearl and very shortly they came to a dark, jungle-like place.  “I thought you said we wouldn’t be going to a dark place,” he said warily.  “This is different from the darkness I was just telling you about.  We are going to be visiting a friend of mine, a cat named Rueben, and see what he’s doing.
Sitting under a dark, giant tropical leaf was a fluffy orange Persian cat with a very intense look on his face.  He walked over to Alex and Pearl for a chat.  “What’s up, Rueben?” asked Pearl. 
“Just having a little fun, that’s all.  This is one of my favorite places lately.” Said the orange cat.
  “What are you doing?” asked Alex.  “Why is it dark here?”  
“I choose to feel the darkness here, because it adds a sense of intensity that I enjoy.  I’ve taken on this Rueben form for the moment so that I won’t startle you.  My usual body form when I’m here is as a very large jungle cat.  I relish feeling that tremendous experience of wildness and power, contained in my body.  A small Persian cat form doesn’t express the feeling nearly as well.  When I’m in my wild self, I like to stealthily watch and wait to see the fabulous and elusive white bird that comes here.  I heard it just a short time ago, but I’ve yet to see it today.”  Rueben suddenly changed into the shape of a very large tiger.  “If you stay quiet maybe it will appear for us.”  Alex tried to match his vibration to the feeling of raw power that Rueben was describing, and was beginning to feel pretty good.  Then he heard an ethereal, haunting cry and way off in the distance he saw a  large white bird with long legs, long trailing tail and wing feathers, gracefully rise up and disappear  behind a tree.  “That was it!”  said Rueben.  “Did you see it too?”  Pearl and Alex nodded.  That bird, said Rueben, creates a glow in my heart so intense every time I see it.  Did you feel it?”   Alex said, “It was a different feeling than I’ve ever experienced when seeing a bird before, but it was over so quickly I’m not sure what I think.”  Pearl agreed with Alex, she’d had a similar reaction.
“That bird is rarely seen in this dimension, it’s kind of like being able to glimpse a unicorn in an Earth body.  I think there’s something magical about this jungle.”
“When you’re being a large predatory jungle cat, do you hunt or kill anything sometimes?” asked Alex.
“Oh no, of course not.  That’s not what this is about.  There’s certainly no need to kill for survival here, it isn’t Earth.  And anyway, nothing dies here.  It’s about creating a fulfilling experience.”
“I think I get it”, Alex mused.
“Let me show you something else I’m involved in, lest you think I’m a ‘beast’ all the time.” 
“Sure,” said Alex.  “What else do you do?”
“Follow me”, said Rueben.  In the blink of an eye the three of them were in what appeared to be the courtyard of an ancient marble temple.  A short distance away near a stream they saw an outcropping of rocks in a grassy area.  Rueben again looked like an orange Persian cat.  He walked over to a small fluffy kitten curled in a ball.  It was a very young long-haired kitten with light brown smudges on its face where the points would be when it grew up to be a Himalayan cat.  It looked up and appeared to be somewhat dazed.  “I’m taking care of this little guy.  He crossed over to this world pretty recently and still isn’t too aware of his surroundings.  I’m quite fond of him.  I keep surrounding him with vibrations of love and safety, and when he’s fully conscious of himself and his environment I’ll be his guide.  He suffered some kind of trauma before he crossed into this world but he doesn’t remember yet.  I can feel it in his energy field.  At some point healers will help him release that energy, but for now he’s just in a semi-sleep state most of the time.” 
Alex was touched, and surprised to see the various facets of this new friend he had made.  He thought how fun it would be if he could take on an entirely different kind of body and do such exciting things. 
“I can show you how to change your shape, Alex, but I think for now we should head back to your garden and get ready for our next visit to another friend of mine,” said Pearl.  Alex closed his eyes and when he opened them again he was back in the familiar garden.

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