
Alex in the afterlife

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alex tries to help Emily

Alex was strolling around the garden in his yard, watching butterflies flitting here and there among the roses but soon realized he was losing interest.   He felt depressed and empty inside and really didn’t want to do anything at all.  He paced around for awhile and was really feeling quite miserable.  He walked in the house to find Ruth and saw her in her studio painting.  “Hey Alex, what’s going on with you?  It looks like you’re under a dark cloud over there.”  Just then Alex noticed that not only did he feel gloomy, the colors around him were more subdued, as if the sun was behind clouds and it was getting darker.  “Come here, Alex, I need to explain something to you.  Emily is having a hard time with her grieving process back on Earth, and today is a particularly bad day for her.  She’s thinking about you and crying.  You have a strong connection with her, and so you’re being affected by what she feels.  She’s confused and isn’t sure she’ll ever see you again.  She relied quite a lot on your companionship and the comfort you gave her during emotionally turbulent times.  When you left your body you were the only cat she had left and her sadness is preventing her from even thinking of adopting another companion who could give her comfort.”

“Now that you mention it, I do feel like it has something to do with Emily, said Alex.  I don’t know what to do about it.  I can’t help her feel better if I’m not there.  When I was with her but not in my Earth body she didn’t know I was there anyway.”

Ruth beamed a smile at Alex and he started feeling a little better.  “Let me start by showing you how to do something important,” said Ruth.  “Energy vibrations are the basis of all our experiences. 
That’s much easier to understand in our world than it is on Earth, where most beings believe they are relatively powerless to change their experiences and so rather than directing their experiences by shifting the energy vibration, they simply react to their environment.  One thing I’d like you to see right now is that you can change the experience of your environment by changing what you feel and think.  I’ll do it with you.  I’d like you to focus your attention right now on seeing and being with Emily.”

Alex thought about being with Emily and in the blink of an eye he was right there in the home he had shared with Emily, and Ruth was there as well.  Emily was sitting on the sofa watching a television show about cats, and crying.  Alex felt her sadness.  Ruth said, “That was very good, Alex.  That’s how we move from place to place.  Now that you aren’t in your earth body, all you have to do is focus your attention and feeling on where you want to be and you’ll be there.  You can travel here to see Emily when you like, or you can create any environment or experience you wish in our world.  I must caution you, however, that if you come here a lot it may have the effect of making it harder for Emily to recover from her grief.  Although she can’t see or feel you physically, her subconscious will be aware that you are nearby, because just as you are aware of her feelings, she is aware of yours.  Her strong feelings may block her conscious awareness of your vibrations, which are more subtle than the tumultuous feelings of grief and sadness.

“If I can change my experience by shifting my energy, does that mean I don’t have to feel Emily’s grief? “ Alex asked.

“That’s right, Alex you don’t have to react to her feelings by matching your vibrations to hers, as you have been doing.  The most powerful way to change to a higher vibration, or in other words a better feeling, is to focus your attention on the vibration of love, remember what that feels like, and feel it.  Even now, if you were to change to the love vibrational frequency, you would feel better right away and you might even see a change in Emily if she allows herself to resonate with your emotion.”

Alex climbed onto Emily’s lap and lost himself in feelings of love, contentment and happiness, and while Emily could not feel him physically, he purred as loud as could be.  After a brief time, Emily stopped crying and let out big sigh.  She sank into a peaceful sleep.

“That was excellent, Alex, you did very well once again.  You provided feelings of well-being that were strong enough change her vibration to a more peaceful state.  Would you like to try something else just for fun?”

“Okay, what should I do now?”

“How would you like to meet Emily in her dream and let her know that all is well?”

“Can I really do that?”  he asked.

“Sure.  Wait until she’s dreaming.  If you tune into her thoughts now you’ll be able to know when she’s in a relaxed dream state.  Then match your vibrations to hers, imagine the two of you seeing each other, and walk up to her and tell her something telepathically.  In the dream state humans routinely communicate telepathically, so she may get your message.”

Alex waited until he thought the time was right and he did as Ruth had suggested.  He walked right up to her in the dream and said “Hi, it’s great to see you again.  I’m doing fine and I love you as much as ever, but you really shouldn’t be so sad.   I want you to be happy.  Maybe think about adopting another cat sometime.”   The dream shifted after that, and Alex shifted his awareness back to Ruth.

“Wow, that was fun!” he said.  “Will she remember when she wakes up?  She seemed pretty surprised to see me.”

“Maybe, maybe not.  People often do forget their dreams .  If she forgets, you can always try it again.  You know how to do it now.”

“I’m ready to go home now, Ruth, I feel like going for a walk in the sunshine now that the cloud has lifted.”

“An excellent idea, Alex.  You know the way to get back.  I’ll follow you.

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